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Virtual Behavior
on Clubhouse

UX Research, Human Behavior, UI Solutions

Project Timeframe: 4 Weeks

Team: Shubham | Udhay

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Faculty Mentor: Prof. S. Guruprasad, HOD, SDM, NID

External Mentor: Mr. Ashutosh Kar, Sr Consultant at WONGDOODY

Project Aim

To identify and study the social behaviors present, in and around the virtual platform of the clubhouse and address the deviant behaviors through proposed UI/UX interventions.


Deviant Behavior is a type of behavior that violates social norms, is unintended, is never thought of, and disrupts normal user flow.


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Project Flow

Desk Research


Flow Maps

Behavior Analysis

HMW Directions

Final Design





User Testing

Secondary Research

Primary Research



The clubhouse is a social networking app based on audio-chat. Users can listen in to conversations, interviews, and discussions between interesting people on various topics – it is just like tuning in to a podcast but live and with an added layer of exclusivity.

What is 


Cumulative Downloads (Millions)

Nov 20

Dec 20

Jan 21

Feb 21

Mar 21

Apr 21

Mar 21

Mar 21

Apr 21

Apr 21

80% of global downloads are from India only.

Their vision

A more human place on the Internet, where people come together for great conversation.


Where users can communicate in voice chat rooms that accommodate groups of thousands of people.


​The audio-only app hosts live discussions, with opportunities to participate through speaking and listening.

6.7 million downloads

Market Competition

Twitter Spaces      |      Facebook Hotline      |      Spotify Green Room

Desk Research

Understanding Clubhouse through Hooked Model by Nir Eyal

If you follow someone on Clubhouse, you’ll get a notification each time they start a chat. (External trigger)

Cue people to action through emotions rather than pings and text takes time for users to incorporate into their own behavior(Internal trigger)


Users don’t have to go looking for podcasts or try to figure out which episodes are interesting. With one tap, they’re inside a room. The action follows the trigger(reduce friction)


Every time a user creates or joins a club/ room, they’re investing in the platform: telling the app something about their tastes, the topics they’re interested in, and the kind of people they would like to hear from in the future. This is adding up to the stored value of the platform by strengthening the AI/ML algorithm.

Variable Reward

The platform must ensure there are always enough interesting conversations happening around the clock.

When users can’t exactly predict the outcome and want to know more, we pay attention, Fear of missing out(FOMO). Users scroll and scroll searching for that variable reward.

Understanding Clubhouse through Digital Body Language
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Conducted a thorough study of Clubhouse reviews and

Social Media Listening from Twitter and other social media sources.

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Play Store reviews

Competitors In the market (Direct)
  • Twitter Space
  • Spotify Green Room
  • Facebook Hotline
  • Linkedin Audio Event 
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Competitors In the market (Indirect)
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Tick Tock
  • Snapchat
Common Theams Ovserved

Knowledge sharing


Conformity Behavior


Irrelevant Content

Bystander Effect


Fake Information

Primary Research

User Interviews

Active users, occasional users, and new users (count=15) were asked questions about the use case of the service, their habits along with the platforms, what irks them, etc. 

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Shivam, 25 (Moderator)

Finding a good club needs research but it ruins the fun.

No option to search topics, only people and clubs can be searched.

In order to increase followers, speakers tend to speak a lot at the cost of quality content.

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Radha, 19 (New user)

I don't want others to know which club/ session she is listening to.

Unable to connect with speakers when joined in the middle of the conversation.

Leave quietly is a good feature.

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Moni, 28 (Casual user)

Inquire about genuine people, encountered fake people.

Stage fear in a virtual scenario.

Hard to figure out who's speaking.

Common Themes

Choice Paradox

Fear of Missing Out

Lack of Trust

Irrelevant Content


To understand the platform better we conducted Heuristic Analysis independently to report misalignments between mental model and app flow. 

User Journey: Onboarding

1. Request Clubhouse invite (Hunger marketing: Reserve your username)

2. Accept Clubhouse invites

(Hunger marketing: “I have an invite..”, “I want you to join..”)

3. Directly download from the app store.

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User Journey:
Joining A Room

1. Join an existing conversation (One tap to join a chatroom recommended to you or Join a room your connections are in)

2. Start a new conversation (The big “Start a room” CTA at the center of the screen)

3. Invite Clubhouse connections to a chatroom (“Ping someone into the room”)

4. Plan to join a future conversation (“Upcoming for you”, “Events happening next”)

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Behavioral Drivers

To analyze the data, a Behavioral Mapping framework was created which helped what behavioral driver leads to certain actions and its effect.

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UI/ UX Violations 

Detailed UI/UX Violations mapping was done to understand what the user is thinking and taking certain actions based on the UI elements and UX features 

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Behaviors Identified

This distinction between Designed and Deviant Behavior emerging in the Clubhouse platform

Designed Behavior

Deviant Behavior

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Research Insights

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Design Directions

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Make users transcend from mere FOMO-triggered interaction to a meaningful experience?


Simplify the judgment and help users make an informed decision before entering the room to reduce the bouncing effect.


Increase trust in the moderators and the platform to participate and enrich the discussions?


Empower users to break the "bystander effect" call out fake information/ room/ moderator?


User Testing

I used the Gorilla testing method at the NID campus by presenting existing Clubhouse Members (10), with an improved Figma Prototype(V-1) and noted their reactions, emotions, and excitement and take on the new features added.

Proposed Design Solution

Interactive and Informative UI
Minimal Effort
Audio sample feature before entering a room
Room Online and runtime display feature
Know your moderators right from the hallway
Simplified Follow users suggestion UI
Speaker Highlight inside room
Anchor 1

User Interface Revamp

Simple easy navigate UI de-cluttered down to what's needed by the user, creating meaning alongside. (Based on User Testing Feedback)

Home Screens

Follow People Cards

Customized User Experience

Room Card


Start Room


Room Live Status

Audio Sample

Active Speakers


Start Room


Most recent active room stacked on top

User Profile

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Social Media Links for better networking

Profile page photo for self expression

CTA Button

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Profile Picture with Blue Tick

Small Bio

CTA Button

User Profile Card

Audio Sample Modal

Chat Room

Speaker Highlight

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Room Description Card

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Speaker/ Talk Reaction

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New Content

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Search Bar

Already Following People at top 

Search Bar

Search Bar

Secondary Filter Tab

People search cards 

Join Club CTA

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Green Dot Indicating Live Club Activity

Secondary Filter Tab

Club search cards

Already Joined Clubs at top


We tend to act differently in closed groups than we do in open ones with strangers. Sometimes people adopt a persona that becomes evident without oversight. ​ Since the digital realm is so different from the real world, this has caused users to become deviant without any checks and balances in place. This has slowed down Clubhouse's progress as a social media platform, as many early adopters have been driven away due to their lack of ownership over the content they post and their lack of a clear path to success. UX has the power to derive business opportunities and bad UX makes a Bad business.


This project helped me understand the hidden connections between Behavior, Actions, User-Experience, and Business and I'll try to leverage this in my upcoming projects.


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  • Whatsapp

Copyright © Shubham Das 2024

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