Snap & Snooze
New Service Design
Special thanks to -
Aditi Sharma, Toy and Game Design, NID 20
Jagath Narayan, Photography Design, NID 20
Anjana Dev, Photography Design, NID 20
Amey Helge, Photography Design, NID 20
Service Design, Experience Design,
Service Prototyping, Business Strategy
CII Young Designer Awards 2022:
Top 3 Entry: Service Design
Team: Amit | Miti | Shubham | Swati

Faculty Mentor: Prof. S Guruprasad, HOD, SDM, NID
Project Timeframe: 6 Weeks
Project Brief
To design a new service model by identifying, studying, and understanding the latent needs of users within the NID campus and prototyping the final design direction to gain live user feedback.

Our Service
When people surround themselves with work all the time, taking rest seems a far-fetched idea and sleep becomes a luxury. A state of overworking, to the point where it becomes a lifestyle.
Our service, Snap & Snooze is a 25 minutes journey that will take you to a before sleep state with our carefully curated experience center targeting all 5 of your senses. This can be squeezed between your work schedule so that you don’t have to feel guilty for taking a rest or recharging.
Service Documentry
Our service was prototyped at the National Institute of Design for 5 days. The primary user group identified were the students, stressed and burdened with the ongoing campus activities. Followed by teaching and administrative staff and lastly the housekeeping staff.
*Please unmute and use headphones for the best experience

Stage 1
Need Identification

Stage 2
Discovering Service Core

Stage 3
Service Form

Stage 4
Need Identification

Graffiti Wall
Designed a framework to probe students and gather diverse perspectives and their latent desires inside the campus.

Card Sorting
Emotional cues were noted against relevant keywords selected by the participants to gauge their feelings.

Semi-Structured Interviews
A casual conversation-like interview was conducted to find the gap between their expectations and desires.

Observation Study
Silently observing students, staff interacting with people, places and recording their emotional presence.

Need Break/ Rest
Cluttred thoughts
Lack of fun
Performance drop
Missing the point
Irritative behavior
No self time
Unable to meet new people
Lack of focus
Low interaction
Lack of proper rest is causing distress among students and staff which is leading to sub-optimal performance.

Getting to know in detail what students considered as rest. Their viewpoints on rest and place of rest.

Conducted a photograph analysis to get insights into how people take rest, ambiance, place, props, etc.

Smartwatch Data Analysis
Students were asked to share their smartwatch tracking data to gather information on their rest cycle.

Expressed they feel tired all the time and unable to focus at work.

They feel a need for an isolation from all the distractions around to feel rested.

Students mentioned a lack of proper sleep due to various reasons.

Participants feel guilty and worried about judgement while taking break for rest.

Mapping Connections
Core Insight
Students feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities of work and feel shy & ashamed thus resulting to avoid power naps or snoozing. There is a reliance on their friends to wake them up if they fall asleep.
Service Persona
Our Intent
A short spanned, guided snooze experience targeting all 5 senses at carefully crafted personal space to relax, refresh & rejuvenate users so they can start with an energized and focused mind.

Acting as a facilitator for our users by providing assurance and comfort of an effective snooze experience.
Crafting an ambiance that heightens the sense of relaxation and comfort stimulating all 5 senses.
Providing knowledge and propagating the importance of good sleep and proper rest.
What is a Snooze?

An afternoon short sleep that is meant for replenishing the energy levels for the rest of the day.
In Ayurveda, Vamkukshi (Afternoon nap) is recommended for those who suffer from chronic constipation, indigestion, and arthritis. This must not exceed 20-30 mins, or convert into a proper sleep, otherwise, it could damage the circadian clock of the body.
Role of our Senses for a perfect snooze

Sunlight/ artificial light signals our brain to stay active, however, darkness/ nighttime signals our brain to produce melatonin (relaxing hormone) to induce sleepiness.
The sense of touch is complex as it can be divided into two fundamental senses, pressure and temperature. Both need to be stimulated to induce comfort.
Aromatherapy with distinct scents can promote better sleep, help you wake up in the morning, or even influence dreams and memory formation during sleep.
White noise is a noise that masks the presence of other sounds in the background so that the sound cannot stimuli the brain activity during sleep/ rest. A noise of more than 30dB causes distress and disturbed sleep.
The food we eat throughout the day, the drinks we consume and their timings can impact our sleep-wake cycle. Certain diets can make it easier or hard to fall asleep.
Our logo was crafted keeping brand perception in mind. The logo was introduced at every interaction point and service artifact. Agents were given “Snap & Snooze” branded t-shirts, which also was an indicator of active service and brand recognition. Service artifacts included the eye-mask, brochure, token-cum-bookmark, and water bottle.
Our Logo

Logo construction

Font Used

Hex code
Service Evidences: Pre-Service

We observed in real life and it's a scientifically studied phenomenon when people see another person yawning, they also feel the same, which experts call contagious yawning. A yawn that occurs on its own, which experts call spontaneous yawning.

Posters of people yawning were strategically placed where people tend to visit alone with a mundane activity in hand.
Areas like handwash, water coolers, and lifts were selected for this activity, to nudge users to sense an urge to take rest and feel the need for our service.

A big billboard-style message was displayed on the glass opening of the Knowledge Management Center at NID Gandhinagar to instigate the importance of a snooze-cum-power nap.
Touchpoints: During Service

The user receives a brochure that contains the need for our service detailed offerings & pricing structure.

Next, after the payment is done, the user gets a customized service token-cum-bookmark as proof of payment with selected journey track

Inside the experience center, the user will get their own customized sleeping pods, a hand-crafted eyemask, and a water bottle.
Human senses catered

Service Stages
Stage 1: Pre-Service
Introduction and onboarding
Registration and payment

Walk on the
Bubble path

Stage 2: Service
Enter experience center

Receive eyemask and get your pod

20 min of uninterrupted snooze

Stage 3: Post-Service
Wake up and have some water

Glass marble foot massage

Eat chocolate and have some water

Two major business models were orbiting around the service model. The first one is the service subscription model, in this, the user can also opt for a 2 or 3 consecutive day package. We curated 3 different experience journeys for each day during the prototype stage. This also helped us understand the conversion rate from single-day experience to 3 days service experience.

User Reviews